Sumo Drums


Sum-O-Drums is an sumo wrestling themed, arcade style cooperative-competitive fighting game. Players are split into 2 teams of 2, with 1 player controlling the rotation of the sumo wrestler and an arm while the other player controls the movement and the other arm.

This game was created for the Jam-O-Drum platform during Round 3 of Building Virtual Worlds (Lightning Round) at the Entertainment Technology Center. The entire game was created in 1 week.

Project Details

Academic Project

School: Carnegie Mellon University

Class: Building Virtual Worlds (Round 5: Lightning Round)

My Contributions

Game Design

  • Designed core restraint cooperative mechanics
    • Cooperative movement mechanic
    • Combat mechanics
  • Level design
  • User input controls

Sound Design

  • Street fighter 4 themed

Sumo Drum was on display in the BVW Festival 2013!